A Former Child Soldier Who Uses a Magic Sword Wants to Live with an Older Sister of a Former Enemy Executive - Chapter 66
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- A Former Child Soldier Who Uses a Magic Sword Wants to Live with an Older Sister of a Former Enemy Executive
- Chapter 66 - Tonight, in her arms…
- Chapter 66 : Tonight, in her arms…
Chiyome sat down on a chair and cheerfully gulped down her liquor.
Watching Chiyome become more cheerful and talkative as soon as she drank, Seto listened to her stories about her journey so far.
Satis also had a wonderful time sipping on the liquor Chiyome had brought her, surprised by the content of the latter’s stories and bursting into laughter.
Their conversations were more exciting than expected, and it was almost time to go to bed.
[Pwaaahh! Been ages shinsh ah’ve had shuch a good drink, friendsh. Ah’d love to talk shum more, but ah reckon it’sh time to call it a night.] (Chiyome)
Chiyome was staggering to her feet with an empty bottle of alcohol and a bag of snacks in hands.
[Hey, are you okay? Need my help?] (Seto)
[Ahhh, ah’m fine, ah’m fine. Ah’m in better shape when ah walk around drunk. Ahahaha!] (Chiyome)
[That’s dangerous. As an adult, I think you should be more responsible about it…] (Seto)
[Ah know, but ah can’t shtop. That’sh the logic of an adult.] (Chiyome)
[Now you’re splitting hairs.] (Seto)
Seto was worried about her, but Chiyome heartily laughed it off and staggeringly walked out of the room.
Just in case, Seto quietly peeked through the door to watch over Chiyome until the end and make sure she didn’t fall down.
[…Looks like she safely made it to her room. But that was a close call, really.] (Seto)
[Fufufu! But based on our conversation with her, she’s a surprisingly fascinating character. So much so she could fit right in with Benjamin Village.] (Satis)
[You don’t say. Aw man, it reeks of booze in here. Can I open the window?] (Seto)
[Yes, go ahead.] (Satis)
The room was filled with the thick aroma of the alcohol and snacks they had just consumed, and as he opened the window, fresh and cool air blew in.
The wind caressed Seto’s cheeks, and the scent of historic rocks and soil tickled his nostrils.
[Ahhh~… It’s a fine night. We can see the stats too.] (Seto)
Set leaned out the window, rested his elbows on it and looked up at the sky.
Meanwhile, a gentle breeze also brushed against his neck, and he directly felt the heat that had been bottled up inside his body gradually cool down.
Seto basked in the afterglow for a while, quietly enjoying the comfortable moment.
[Okay, I’m closing it now.] (Seto)
Seto closed the window without making any noise, and turned to the bed where Satis was lying down.
She was just about to go to sleep.
[Well, I’m gonna go to bed too. We’ll have to wake up early tomorrow, after all…] (Seto)
[Seeeeto.] (Satis)
Seto was about to move to the bed next to that of Satis when she called his name with a tender voice while still lying down.
Wondering if there was something she still wanted to say, the boy stopped and looked at her face.
[Come here~.] (Satis)
Satis, in a somewhat teasing manner, flipped up her blanket and invited him to sleep with her.
For a moment, Seto was frozen stiff, unsure of what just happened, but when his mind started working properly again and he understood what she wanted to say, his face turned red, as if he was on fire.
[Wha!? What are you saying!? I can sleep on my own!] (Seto)
[That’s not exactly what I mean. I know you had a hard day, so I thought I should give you a little reward.] (Satis)
[I-I-I-I don’t need any! Don’t mention it, I tell you. I only did what I had to do…] (Seto)
That being said, it was not as if he had zero interest in sharing a bed with Satis.
As a matter of fact, they did sleep next to each other back in the city of Clay Shut.
Although, since Satis had cast sleep magic on him as soon as he got into the bed, he did not get to enjoy the moment, nor did they fool around at all.
[Come on now, don’t be shy. I won’t use any magic tonight.] (Satis)
In other words, he was free to enjoy it all he wanted.
[Satis… Are you drunk, by any chance?] (Seto)
[Nope, that much wasn’t enough to make me drunk. …That aside, won’t you join me? Or do you… hate the idea of sleeping with me?] (Satis)
[Ugh…!] (Seto)
Seto approached her bed with his eyes restlessly shifting to the corners, and sat on the edge for the time being to remove his knife and other equipment.
For a second, Seto thought that maybe Satis was going to force herself on him, but he knew that she would never do that, and restfully laid down beside her.
[Aww, you don’t have to be so nervous.] (Satis)
[Please give me a break. Even now, I’m doing my best to stay calm.] (Seto)
[Aw gosh, you’re so adorable.] (Satis)
With that, Satis swiftly moved closer to Seto.
His body trembled for a moment, but Satis gently stroked his cheek, forehead, and head.
Her soft touch seemingly made Seto feel at ease, as tension vanished from his expression.
However, his face was still as flushed as ever, and would not return to normal.
[Honestly, I’ve already given you lap pillows before, so why are you still not used to this?] (Satis)
[This and that are different things…] (Seto)
[Are they? Then do you mind if I do this too?] (Satis)
[Eh? Wha- Umph!?] (Seto)
Satis changed her position so she could hold Seto against her chest.
The boy had the lower half of his face buried in the ample cleavage of her combat suit.
He went to bed with the intention to sleep, but the overwhelming volume of her breasts, coupled with their softness and warmth, as well as her wafting fragrance, made it impossible for him to sleep.
Seto stared at Satis with eyes wide-open and full of shock, while Satis gazed at him tenderly, with her cheeks slightly flushed.
For Seto, the sexual stimulation he felt from this was tremendous, but strangely enough, what he felt more than that was “peace of mind”.
It was the instinctive feeling that nothing would harm him and that he could calmly surrender himself to it.
In other words, he felt like a child embraced by his mother.
It was the first time he had ever felt that way in all the time he had spent with Satis so far.
Perhaps because of that, Seto unconsciously leaned toward Satis and wrapped his arms around her back.
As if to say he did not want to let go of her, he stuck close to Satis, seeking relief in the softness and warmth of her body.
[My, what a demanding boy. …It would be unfair of me to say that touching me is a no-go, wouldn’t it? Then let’s make it a special service, just for today.] (Satis)
Satis happily accepted his reaction to her reward, and they fell asleep in each other’s embrace.
[I’m sorry, I know you said no touching…] (Seto)
[It’s okay, it’s just for one night. Ah, but we’re not doing anything naughty, okay? Moderation is important.] (Satis)
[…Okay.] (Seto)
Seto never knew his mother, nor did he know if she ever held him.
So of course, Satis was the very first woman to ever touch him like that.
The kindness and affection she had shown him up to this point began to bring up feelings that had been sealed away deep inside Seto’s heart.
In the warmth of her embrace, Seto felt affection for her both as a mother figure and a woman at the same time.
[Hm…] (Seto)
His voice leaked out as Satis stroked his head.
His breath sent a jolt in her chest and humidified her cleavage.
Aroused by Seto’s reactions, Satis suppressed the urge to mess with him some more, and watched over him so he could sleep peacefully.
Good night. And let’s do our best tomorrow, Seto. (Satis)
After a while, only their sleeping breaths could be heard in this room.
By that time, they were no longer hugging each other, but they were still holding hands.