A Former Child Soldier Who Uses a Magic Sword Wants to Live with an Older Sister of a Former Enemy Executive - Chapter 78
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- A Former Child Soldier Who Uses a Magic Sword Wants to Live with an Older Sister of a Former Enemy Executive
- Chapter 78 - Upon coming back.
- Chapter 78 : Upon coming back.
Seto was finally back on the surface.
He reappeared in front of the stone slab, surrounded by black particles, as if he was summoned to the altar.
Once he was released from the black particles, he noticed that both of his arms were fitted with gauntlets he had never seen before.
They each had a different design, the right one being golden, and the left one being silvery white, and somehow, their weight did not bother him much.
Seto was inspecting them curiously when he was startled by a voice calling him from behind, causing him to turn around spontaneously.
There, she found Satis smiling happily, her eyes slightly moist with tears.
[Ah, Satis! Look what I got. Maybe these are proof that I cleared the trial or some—] (Seto)
He was interrupted mid-sentence.
Satis walked up to him and gently held him against her chest.
The touch and fragrance of her soft skin shifted Seto’s emotions from sense of accomplishent to turmoil.
In this sacred area where on my Seto was allowed, Satis stroked his head, with tears in her eyes.
[Seto.] (Satis)
[Y… Yeah?] (Seto)
[At times like this, you’re supposed to say “Glad to be back.”] (Satis)
[Eh? Ah… Sorry. Glad to be back] (Seto)
[Yes, welcome back.] (Satis)
It took a few hours for Seto to take on the trial and return.
Until then, Satis was beside herself with worry.
Even though she believed that he would make it back for sure, she still felt anxious about it in her heart.
The image of Seto’s wounded body kept flashing and vanishing in her mind, making her worry that he would come back covered in injuries.
Satis was trying so hard to hold back from showing it in her expressions and words.
Though she ended up showing it in her behavior, she still faked composure in front of Jake.
However, seeing Seto coming back in perfect condition served as a trigger, causing the emotions she had been holding back to burst out in front of him.
Satis felt Seto’s warmth when he said “Glad to be back”, calling her down.
Seto also felt at ease in Satis’ chest, and was happy to have made it back to the surface.
Jake, who was watching them, smiled, closed his eyes, turned on his heel, and turned his back on them.
He figured it would be thoughtless of him to talk to them now, so he decided to wait until they were both satisfied.
And above all, Jake was thrilled.
Of course he was delighted that Seto was back safe and sound, but he was also happy to know that their promise had been fulfilled.
‘When I return, will you… be my friend?’ Seto had said.
I see… I’m friends with Seto now, huh. …I don’t know how I could congratulate him, so I hope he won’t mind. …I’m hopeless, seriously. (Jake)
Jake lost himself in a comfortable silence.
And opted to talk to Seto later.
After a while, Seto and Satis both simmered down, as if they could read each other’s mind.
The boy walked up to Jake, who had been waiting for him all along, and decided to immediately show him what he had earned.
The carvings on the golden gauntlet represented a sea eagle that was about to take flight, while the carvings on the silvery white gauntlet represented a snake coiling around it.
[Gold and silver gauntlets, I see.] (Satis)
[I survived my battles against the wraiths, so maybe these serve as proof of it.] (Seto)
As he gazed at the gauntlets, he saw the eyes of the sea eagle and the snake sparkle for just a moment.
It was then that something like a thought entered Seto’s brain.
Telling him the names of the gauntlets and how to use them.
[Seto? Um, what’s the matter? Are you feeling unwell or—] (Satis)
[…The golden one is called “Leviathan”, and the silver one is called “Typhon”. They each have their own special effects. …Just now, something like a message entered my head, and told me about them.] (Seto)
[It told you about them? …Could it be that it came from these gauntlets? Th-That’s amazing… It’s as if they’re alive.] (Jake)
[Could be. Now I know how to use them.] (Seto)
Leviathan could amplify the power of his magic sword.
It was a support item that helped him generate and control at will that same destructive power and speed he exhibited in his fight against Frozen Fury.
Normally, a performance of a higher level than what his magic sword release could allow took a great toll on the body of the magic swordsman.
But having survived the trial, Seto earned the qualification for it.
I see. So this gauntlet will help me control that power, huh. (Seto)
As far as Seto was concerned, he could not wish for better offensive efficiency.
It was truly the best reward of all.
And as for Typhon…
…!? (Seto)
Its power made Seto jump involuntarily and freak out.
To put it bluntly, it held a power that may not be suitable for him.
Even Seto, who had slain so many enemies in the past, found it blasphemous.
Ahas Patel… Do I seriously need the power of Typhon? If so, then this is in rather poor taste. (Seto)
[Seto, you don’t look so well…] (Satis)
[What’s wrong? Is there anything with Typhon?] (Jake)
[Ah, no. It’s nothing.] (Seto)
Seto decided to remove these gauntlet.
Doing that was simple: just like his magic sword, they could be stored in a dimensional pocket.
After storing them away and feeling stronger now that the trial was over, all three of them went outside together, and were back in that spacious room.
It was then that one of the boys from the Revolutionary Army came running toward them.
[L-Leader, we’re in trouble! A gang of bandits is attacking us!] (Kid A)
[W-What!?] (Jake)
[It’s those bandits who had this area as their headquarters! The ones who had that big monster as their commander, and they’re gaining momentum! They’re camped out in front of the temple right now! Come quick!] (Kid A)
After hearing those words, Seto and Satis rushed out at once.
When they hurried out to the entrance, the sun was already beginning to set.
Illuminated by the sunlight, that gang of bandits wearing evil grins on their faces were in large numbers and lined up in front of the temple.
[Hey, there they are! It’s that kid and that woman! They killed our commander and comrades! There’s no mistake, I saw ’em with my own eyes!] (Bandit A)
One of the bandits shouted out, then the whole group suddenly went into a frenzy, each of them readying their weapons.
It appeared that they had been observing Seto and Satis, and were planning to kill them in this place that usually no one approached.
[Hey, that blind chick ain’t nowhere to be seen.] (Bandit B)
[Doesn’t matter. I bet she can’t go too far anyway. We’ll find her after we’re done with those two.] (Bandit C)
[What about that buncha kids?] (Bandit D)
[Heh, we can just kill ’em, right? Doesn’t look like anyone’d care if they died, anyway.] (Bandit E)
There were more of them than the other day.
Maybe fifty or more.
Then, each one of them took out a strange item.
A red pill, something our heroes had definitely seen before.
[No way…! Is that—!?] (Satis)
Satis was shocked.
It was the same magic drug Hydra once used in Benjamin Village.
Moreover, those ones may have been a more potent variation, as each and every one of them got such a boost in fighting abilities that it put them on par with the average magic swordsman.
Their bodies were also slightly deformed, with horn-like protrusions growing on their heads.
The members of the Revolutionary Army who saw them transforming all fell on their rears and trembled in fear.
While the sight of a whole group of opponents more powerful than Hydra was back then made Satis gasp, she nonetheless steeled herself.
She and Seto both stepped forward to line up with each other, and grew better aware of the battle.
[Seto, it looks like this is going to be a much tougher battle than anything we’ve had so far. They pretty much went from humans to demons… Seriously, who the hell even manufactured those pills?] (Satis)
[Still, I guess we’ve got no choice but to go for it.] (Seto)
[Yes, as when you think about it, this situation is our fault to begin with.] (Satis)
[Yeah, and I won’t let them lay a finger on Jake and the others. And not on you either, of course. I can’t let them hurt you under any circumstances.] (Seto)
[I won’t slack off either. I will back you up with my magic. So please fight to your heart’s content.] (Satis)
Right after Satis said that, Seto took out the golden gauntlet Leviathan, and drew his magic sword Baal Zebul.
He immediately took the situation as a great opportunity to test Leviathan’s performance.
The boys of the Revolutionary Army, as well as the bandits, were taken aback at the sight of the reddish color of the blade, combined with the brilliance of the golden gauntlet, and the rainbow-colored vortex of mana converging in his palm, engulfing the air and creating a sort of ripple effect.
The boys gasped.
Because they were about to witness a “legend”.
The fighting style of the legendary boy soldier known as “Destruction and Storm”.
The thought of what was about to unfold blew away all of the fear they had felt earlier.
[Let’s go, Satis.] (Seto)
[I’ll match your pace.] (Satis)
[I won’t let anyone hurt my friends…!] (Seto)