A Former Child Soldier Who Uses a Magic Sword Wants to Live with an Older Sister of a Former Enemy Executive - Chapter 79
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- A Former Child Soldier Who Uses a Magic Sword Wants to Live with an Older Sister of a Former Enemy Executive
- Chapter 79 - We’re splashing blood around at dusk.
- Chapter 79 : We’re splashing blood around at dusk.
The output from the golden gauntlet Leviathan easily powered up Seto’s magic sword.
Thinking that if he wrongly adjusted the power output, it would cause a catastrophe that could engulf the city of Hopi Mesa, he tried to hold it back a little, but even then, there was still more than enough energy in his blade.
[W-What the hell is that glow?!] (Bandit A)
[D-Don’t freak out! He may be a magic swordsman, but he’s still a brat! If we all jump on him at on—] (Bandit B)
Before he could finish his sentence, blood splattered in the air.
Seto had sliced through the bandit’s torso with his lightning-fast lateral slash.
He also wiped out two nearby bandits who were too stunned to react by slashing one diagonally and stabbing the other one.
As soon as the thieves realized, albeit too little too late, that Seto had attacked them, they pounced on him as well with inhuman movements.
I’ll admit that they’re fast and powerful. But compared to Osiris, the wraiths, or Sebek, they’re far less strategic. (Seto)
He passed through the bandits after chopping them in half, and spun and slashed those who were so frightened they momentarily faltered.
As others tried to come at him from both sides, Seto slashed them all, starting from the first one to arrive.
With his swift movements and unfathomable slashes, the number of bandits decreased rapidly.
While Seto was dealing with them using his outstanding swordsmanship, the rest of the bandits gathered toward Satis, their eyes and blades twinkling.
[It’s not easy matching his pace when he’s that fast. But I can’t fall behind either. I will dispose of them as fast as I can.] (Satis)
[I’d like to see you try, you bitch…!] (Bandit A)
As soon as the bandits attacked her from all sides, Satis activated her spell.
Magic flames emerged to protect her, and a wave of scorching heat engulfed the bodies of the bandits.
[GYAAAHH…!!] (Bandit A)
[My, what sturdy bodies you have. Then how about this?] (Satis)
Next, she created a rope made of mana, tied them up with it, and dangled them in the air.
[It’s time to roast these silly bandits like meat skewers.] (Satis)
Mana instantly converged in Satis’ palm, forming a sphere and roaring.
When she unleashed it all at once, countless spikes of ice rotating tremendously shot out, and skewered their bodies.
[Now, eat this!] (Satis)
Jumping into the air, she coldly looked down at the still-breathing bandits and burned them to a crisp with heat rays shooting from her fingertips.
Normally, if they both kept at it, this would all be over soon, but their enemies were not just some small fry anymore.
Only a handful of them had died, while the others got back up painfully but surely.
[The least we can say is that they aren’t human anymore. They can’t be killed the regular way.] (Seto)
[I wish I could burn them all to a cinder at once, but when I think of the collateral damage it would cause…] (Satis)
[Damn… These guys are tough…] (Bandit A)
[Hey, don’t let your guard down! We aren’t done yet… We’re still alive. We still have a chance to win!] (Bandit B)
With their eyes fixed on the extra sturdy bandits, Seto and Satis planned their next moves in their minds.
Should they increase their firepower at once and make this a short term battle?
If they did so, there was a chance that they would, in the process, harm the city, or even the Revolutionary Army kids who were hiding and watching from the sidelines.
Perhaps it was safer to aim for their vital spots and steadily shave off their lives, regardless of how long this would take.
Just as they were pondering the idea…
[Stay where you are, you bastards! Heh Heh Heh!] (Bandit C)
One of the bandits shouted.
He was standing near the entrance of this plaza, holding a child.
[Ah!] (Kid A)
It was one of the Revolutionary Army kids.
The bandit took advantage of the melee to take one of them hostage.
[Drop your weapons! And don’t you dare resist! Or else this brat is gonna die, got it?] (Bandit C)
[E-Eeek!] (Kid A)
The child looked frightened as the bandit pointed the tip of his blade at his neck.
But just when the bandits were beginning to hope that the tables had turned in their favor…
[…Um, excuse me~. Hehehe…! It sounds like there is a commotion around here. What’s going on?] (???)
The sounds of a woman’s voice and a cane being poked around resounded from behind the hostage-taking bandit.
She was smiling in a carefree manner, and with her eyes closed, she was constantly moving her face around to probe her surroundings.
[Aah! That chick! She’s the one from back then…!] (Bandit C)
[W-W-Wait…! W-Why are you suddenly yelling like that?] (???)
[Shut up! You’re that bitch who killed our buddies with that sword cane o’ yours, huh?! You’ll pay for that…] (Bandit C)
It was Chiyome.
As she listened to the child’s screams of terror and the bandit’s loud voice with a complicated look on her face, she snickered.
[Hahaha! Whether you forgive me or not… you people were the ones who tried to kill me first] (Chiyome)
[Shut your trap! Now drop your weapon and get on your knees, too! Or else…] (Bandit C)
[Or else what? You’re going to kill this child here? Ahaha! What a joke.] (Chiyome)
[You think I’m joking?!] (Bandit C)
[Why, of course you are. I mean… How are you going to kill him without your right arm?] (Chiyome)
While tilting his head at Chiyome’s words, the bandit looked at his right arm.
He should have seen it there, but it was now gone from the elbow down.
——He did not see her draw her sword, nor did he even see her sheathing it back.
Blood gushed out from the section on his arm.
[Aaah!? AAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!!] (Bandit C)
Not only that, but there was a vapor-like substance riding from his body.
In his last moment, the bandit’s body crumbled away like sand.
Satis had seen that phenomenon before.
[C… Could this be… purification? Eh? She did that just by slashing him with a regular sword?] (Satis)
[C’mon now, I’m a priestess, y’know? What good would be a priestess who can’t punish the wicked and purge evil? …Now, boy. Pull back a bit, will ya? Things are gonna get messy from now.] (Chiyome)
Chiyome’s face contorted like that of a manslayer facing her prey.
Although Seto and Satis alone had driven them into a corner, now that they were joined by Chiyome, the bandits’ morale had plummeted.
[…Welp, now that Chiyome has joined the battle… I’ll make you pay for threatening to harm my friend.] (Seto)
[I command you for having the brains to come up with a hostage strategy, but you messed with the wrong opponents. I’m furious as well.] (Satis)
[I reckon it’s dusk now, ain’t it? All of you better take a looong gander at the sun. …’Cause this is the last time you’ll ever see it.] (Chiyome)
[E-EEEEK…!] (Bandit A)
Just when they thought the tables had turned in their favor, they were now back to square one.
They split up and attacked the trio, but despite their skills and coordination, the bandits were absolutely no match for our heroes, as if the latter were displaying even more power than earlier.
At the mercy of the now-stronger Seto, they were slashed to pieces and killed in the blink of an eye.
Satis’ storm of spells mercilessly engulfed anyone who approached her, not even allowing a single one of their fingers to touch her.
Moreover, even Chiyome, who was supposed to be a mere human compared to those two, was mowing them down.
She was swinging her long blade at such a speed that eventhe powered-up Seto could not believe his eyes, and she killed the bandits at a tempo that was comparable to Seto’s.
Her reverse-gripped, super-fast slashes already inflicted fatal wounds before they even landed, purifying the bandits, who had surrendered themselves to evil, from the part where they got cut.
The way she was able to predict the direction and attack of her enemies in an instant before unleashing her blade despite being blind was truly a sight to behold.
In the midst of this one-sided killing spree, while Chiyome was startled by the occasional noises she heard, she still cut down the last bandit to pieces.
[Ugh…! Eeeeek! N-No… I don’t… wanna die…] (Bandit D)
As she was about to sheathe her long blade, a dying bandit clung to Chiyome from behind.
He was not attacking her, but forcefully wrapping his arms around her as if to cover her, sobbing like an infant clinging to his mother.
Cghiyome’s body stiffened for a moment, but as soon as she sensed how pathetic that guy was, she felt her shoulders relax.
However, she immediately looked as disgusted as could be.
The bandit had accidentally brushed his hand against the bulge of her chest.
While holding her long blade in a reverse grip, she stabbed the abdomen of the bandit behind her as hard as she could.
[Ya filthy moron…] (Chiyome)
With a short murmur, she quickly pulled it out, spun around as if to sink her blade deep into him, and slashed him from the side.
Positioning herself so low that she was down on one knee, she slowly put her sword back into the scabbard at her waist.
Without being even allowed a final cry of death, he simply vanished on the spot.
The many bandits had now turned into corpses or dust, and disappeared into the quiet coming of the night.
One of the Revolutionary Army kids had been taken hostage, but the situation was resolved without anyone getting hurt.
Now that they had gone on such a rampage, there was bound to be some uproar in the city as well.
Although it was unavoidable, Seto and Satis wanted to avoid drawing attention to themselves as much as possible, so they decided to return to their inn by teleportation magic so as not to be found out.
However, Chiyome insisted on walking back home normally.
[Fufufu! Don’t worry. The guys we killed were the most feared bandits in the city. No one’s gonna condemn you for it, I’m sure. But if you’re not interested in the credit, why not lemme take it? I’ll say I did it all.] (Chiyome)
[A… Are you sure?] (Seto)
[Even if they scorn me for it, I’m used to it, so I don’t mind. I’ll take the full brunt of it. But if they hand me somethin’ as thanks, I’ll make sure you guys get your piece of that pie. What do you say?] (Chiyome)
[Honestly, how altruistic can you be?] (Satis)
[…My life is full of good times and bad times, both for others and for myself. I know it’s stupid, but I can’t help myself. Nahaha!] (Chiyome)
After saying that, Chiyome dexterously walked toward the city, listening with her ears and feeling with her skin the movement of the wind and the sounds of her surroundings.
Seto and Satis decided to hurry back, and the latter cast her spell.
[Seto! Thank you!] (Jake)
[Don’t mention it! See you tomorrow!] (Seto)
Seto and Jake waved goodbye to each other.
All the children, who witnessed their courage, were so overwhelmed by their energy and strength they could not say anything.
Then, they suddenly thought about the future.
They wondered if they could have a revolution in their future considering they failed to even take one step forward in the midst of that battle.
[…Guys, you all must be tired. Go to the back of the temple and rest. I’ll keep watch.] (Jake)
With everyone back inside the temple, Jake sat down in the plaza, the site of that battle.
The moon was rising and illuminating the plaza, which still reeked strongly of blood.
Jake watched that scenery alone for a while.
The corpses before him never responded to him, and the moon did not tell him anything.
Although he was aware of his own lack of power, there was no hint of despair in his expression.
He was also thinking about the future.
He would discuss the results of his self-reflection with everyone else, and then decided how they were going to live.
He felt that Seto and the others had given them this chance.
Without sleeping one bit until morning came, Jake remained here, and reflected.