Getting Outsmarted By The CEO - Chapter 99
Chapter 28.2 (TL: Bara Chou)
Ruan An’an found the party boring. She decided to leave after getting a slice of the cake, just as she had done at Jiang Yi’s birthday party. After all, as the star of the event, Yin Yuan was being dragged around by her parents to greet the esteemed guests, and thus, couldn’t keep her company for long.
Jiang Yi was resting at home after getting acute gastroenteritis yesterday. Ruan An’an didn’t know any of the other socialites, so she was about to head out after notifying Yin Yuan via WeChat.
Who would have thought that Yuan An’an would run into a familiar face on her trip to the washroom on her way out?
Ruan An’an wasn’t surprised to see that person. It was Yin Yuan’s parents who drew the guest list this time, so obviously they invited the Ruan family. However, knowing they’d be there didn’t mean she planned to interact with them.
Ruan An’an looked at Ruan Lin, making a mental note to avoid public washrooms from now on. They had become the setting for too many surprise encounters.
Ruan Lin was in her usual princess-like style. The skirt of her white dress was puffy, and she wore pastel pink accessories in her hair.
Frankly, the look was nice… or, would look nice had it not been on her. On her, though, it just looked tacky.
Ruan An’an remembered greeting Xia Meng just moments ago. The young lady wore an aquamarine dress that accentuated her figure and grace. Mentally comparing the two, Ruan An’an couldn’t help but make a jab, “In terms of fashion sense, you and your friends should really consult Xia Meng more. She’s doing a great job at it.”
Ruan Lin hadn’t seen much of Xia Meng tonight.
She was already infuriated by Xia Meng’s aloof attitude. Now, triggered by Ruan An’an’s mention, her rage became unleashed.
“What gives you the right to judge me? What does it matter to you if I consult her or not? She’s my friend.” Ruan Lin greatly emphasized the word “my”, as if claiming that gave her assurance.
Over the years, Ruan Lin had gotten used to all the favors she gained thanks to Xia Meng. The benefits of being “the best friend of Young Lady Xia” were no less than being “the daughter of Ruan Zheng”.
Ruan An’an had been the cause, direct and indirect, of all the fights and disagreements between Ruan Lin and Xia Meng. To think that she had the nerve to bring up Xia Meng! “Ruan An’an, you came back for university again, didn’t you?” Ruan Lin stepped closer, “Don’t think I wouldn’t know. Other people gilded themselves by studying abroad, but you? You must’ve transferred to a diploma mill and are ashamed of it.”
Ruan An’an was confused, “… Ha?”
“Wasn’t that obvious? You graduated after 3 years, what kind of proper university would let you?” Ruan Lin looked smug about figuring it all out. “Don’t think you can fool me. You’re back at University C for the Game Championship and for a proper degree, yeah?”
Several question marks emerged above Ruan An’an’s head.
This girl wasn’t being mean or biting. She was just being stupid.
Ruan An’an tried to talk some sense into her, “Even without saying anything about my university, did you forget that I was only a few points below the highest score in Qing Cheng on my College Entrance Exam? Also, I’m not ashamed to tell you where I went to,” she said innocently, “You simply never asked.
“It’s ok though, I can tell you right now.” Ruan An’an stared into her eyes. “I went to Harvard. You can ask Google if that’s a diploma mill or not. I can also send you a copy of my diploma later if you don’t believe me. I’ll even stick it on your door so you can have a good look at what you call a diploma mill.”
Ruan Lin was stunned.
“As for how I graduated in 3 years, well, I don’t really know either.” Ruan An’an shrugged and flipped her hair, “After all, I never really studied in high school and still got such good marks. University went by in a blur, and I graduated before I realized.”
From what Ruan An’an knew about her, this girl was already imagining a thousand ways to kill her.
Ruan Lin truly had an active imagination, it was as if her fantasies of Ruan An’an being miserable made her feel superior.
Ruan Lin glared at her, “… Why are you joining the Game Championship then?
“Ruan An’an,” Ruan Lin spat out the name, her makeup losing its beauty as her face distorted with disgust. “You’ve been f?u?c?k?i?n?g? faking your aloofness all these years, refusing to live with us, rejecting our money, ignoring my dad, and studying abroad… Hadn’t that all gone well? My dad had been feeling guilty all these years, so why did you f?u?c?k?i?n?g? stop?”
TL/N: omg this entitled brat… she didn’t even acknowledge Ruan Zheng was also An’an’s dad, calling him “my dad” instead of “dad/our dad”
Ruan An’an wanted to applaud how fluent she was at using the F-word.
Was that how she “f?u?c?k?i?n?g? faked” her sweet princess disposition all these years? As a princess with a dirty mouth?
“It’s pretty clear. You moved out all those years ago cuz you hate me. You must be doing the competition to spite me too?” Ruan Lin chuckled coldly. “Big sister, if you’re acting so aloof, why are you targeting me?”
Ruan An’an: ?
Who does she think she is?
Giving herself extra lines and calling me “big sister”.
It was useless to explain the concept of “you don’t matter that much to me” to a self-centered person. Ruan Lin probably thought all the stars and moons revolved around her.
Instead of denying it, Ruan An’an laughed and said, “Little sister, you want to know why?
“Me attending the Game Championship and returning to University, you think that’s all because of you? If that’s what you want to think, then so be it.
“How many people would die for a good placement in this competition, because of its authority?” Ruan An’an paused, staring unblinkingly, then pointed at herself. “And I, your sister, plan to get first place. Showing to those who only know how to rely on others, what a true genius is.”
Having said her piece, Ruan An’an turned and left. Her back was slender and dignified, the clacking of her heels crisp.
Ruan Lin’s hands shook in anger, her face a nasty color. She took deep breaths to calm herself.
Inside the bathroom, muffled grunts could be heard from outside the bathroom, along with shouts in a shrilled voice.
“… You’re just a bastard, why are you so arrogant?”
It was already the next day when Ruan An’an saw Yin Yuan again.
Neither had classes in the morning, so they spent it playing 6 Realms on the couch. Ruan An’an recounted her little run-in in the bathroom as she grinded monsters.
“… Ahahahaha f?u?c?k?, did you really say that?”
She hummed in confirmation. “Why would I lie about this?”
“How I wish I saw it in person ahahahaha! I love scenes like these. Like, f?u?c?k?, I once watched a drama where the main character suffered at the hands of her stepsister so much. I was waiting for the retaliation, but this Ms. Saint simply said, ‘I forgive you for everything in the past’ … ugh, I was spitting fire…”
Ruan An’an chuckled, “But I’m different from that main character. Ruan Lin was never able to make me suffer.”
She added after a little pause, “I meant, after I grew up.”
Technically, she didn’t suffer as a child either. She just watched as Ruan Zheng went out with that woman and a dolled-up Ruan Lin, while she remained home by herself. When she asked the maid, the maid just sighed.
She had been sad for a long time after finally realizing that she wasn’t recognized as a part of the family.
But she learned fast, grew up fast, and left that hellhole fast.
“Even when I didn’t know who my grandpa is, I never allowed Ruan Lin to bully me.” Ruan An’an tsked, “Who’s the one sorry, who’s the one afraid? She’s just a little brat, brainwashed by her mother. I don’t pay her any mind.”
Yin Yuan agreed, “Compared to you, she is indeed a little brat.”
When lunchtime rolled around, the pair ate and headed out together.
Ruan An’an had Phys Ed this period.
When she arrived on the field, she saw Gu Jue chatting with the Sports Committee member, his back facing her.
The Sports Committee member noticed her from afar and greeted her by jumping up and down. Only then, did Gu Jue turn around to look.
Even though the weather had gotten cold, Gu Jue was still wearing only so much: unaccessorized black-and-white tracksuits that accentuated his long and straight legs. The moment their eyes met, he smiled.
Ruan An’an trotted over. She hadn’t planned to display affection in front of so many people, but her boyfriend was standing there, all handsome and smiles, with his arms open…
Her body acted on its own to launch herself at him.
Even with her hanging from his neck like a koala, his stance didn’t waver.
The Sports Committee member, who had witnessed the interaction: “… see ya.”
This single dog, who had yet to manage the courage to confess to Qiu Yan, scrambled away without a care in the world.
Ruan An’an picked basketball, but she didn’t know how to play. Gu Jue didn’t feel like playing either. The couple chose each other over the sport. Other than the first few times, the couple had spent their Phys Ed classes walking around holding hands.
Or they’d hang out on the benches outside the basketball court, like right now.
Ruan An’an leaned against Gu Jue as she played on her phone. It was a game she downloaded because of Gu Jue – Candy Crush.
Gu Jue, on the other hand, revisited the forum he had left for a week.
Over the week, he managed to get his “marriage home” into his desired state. The feeling every time he imagined living there with his girlfriend rivaled that of 6 Realms’ initial launch, if not feeling happier from the former.
Even though the place was prepped, there was still the trouble of asking her to move in. It was infuriating that, every time Gu Jue considered asking, he would be reminded of a certain comment from that forum— “poor and impatient”.
In the 20-some years of being alive, be it online or in person, Gu Jue had never been labeled with either of those two words… or anything remotely similar, for that matter.
Setting “poor” aside, since there’s a special reason for it.
But wtf is “impatient”?
He just wanted to live together with his girlfriend, taking the next step in their relationship. How could they twist the meaning of such a pure and sweet wish?
Gu Jue went on that forum to gain insight from the general female populace, not to get s?h?i?t? on. He held it in last time, mainly because the idea was nowhere near reality. But now, with the place ready, he was ready for a second round, aiming for that perfect ending.
Under “My posts”, he found what he was looking for. The thread seemed sad with so few replies.
Seemed like as soon as the OP disappeared on an advice thread, the others no longer bothered with it. The last reply sat there glaringly.
[Anon7]: ??? Poor AND impatient, unbelievable. |
Gu Jue thought it over.
He couldn’t refute “poor”, but as for “impatient”… he couldn’t refute that either.
He made a split-second decision to bump the post first and replied with a single question mark.
People rushed in after the post showed up on the front page. Gu Jue refreshed the page after two minutes, and there they were: several new replies.
[Anon8]: Sigh, seriously, to want to live together after 20 days, and our girl is still considering it… this is wrong on so many levels, I have no words. (/shrug) [Anon9]: Judging from the timestamps, OP left and came back after a week? You’re still undecided? I don’t want to judge your relationship directly, but no matter how you look at it, he’s rushing too much. (/facepalm) [Anon10]: Have some sense of self-preservation, my girl! If this was me, I’d tell him I’m not comfortable with it outright. Let’s look at it logically. Since you’re both students, moving out with him will distance you from your dormmates. You’ll be spending most of the day with him, meaning your life will most likely be revolved around him. And since we’re here, I should mention, do you think all this would be worth your time and effort if you broke up one day? Wouldn’t it be embarrassing to move back into the dorms afterward? |
Gu Jue: … This is getting f?u?c?k?i?n?g? real.
He let go of the imaginary cannon he was about to fire.
That one reply really did give a logical argument. Even though the previous comments rubbed him the wrong way, they weren’t wrong in their analyses either, with what information he had given. The forum-goers all had good intentions.
Gu Jue tried to remember. Ruan An’an seemed to be living in a 2-person room with a friend in Masters. She was also an exchange student. So, there shouldn’t be any problems with regard to dormmates.
[OP]: Thank you all for your consideration, but I’m not that close with my dormmates. I don’t really have many friends either. The only person I’ve gotten close to in these 2 months is my boyfriend. (/shy) [Anon11]: … [Anon12]: …… |
The series of growing ellipses continued until the 20th reply.
Gu Jue: ??
[OP]: What’s with everyone? (/confused) [Anon21]: Haven’t you noticed… no matter what we say, you’ve been finding excuses for him??? [Anon22]: OP, I think… ummmm, tell us the truth, is your BF really hot? And has a really sweet mouth? |
Gu Jue was caught off-guard again.
Just from the wording, it didn’t seem like a trick question.
[OP]: Yeah! He’s super hot! My dear, how did you know \?^o^?/ [Anon23]: Oh no! I knew it… [Anon24]: F?u?c?k?i?n?g?… Scumbags are not scary. What’s scary are the handsome scumbags! Look at this girl, she’s completely smitten! You can tell how she seriously considered cohabitation! For a week! And defending him so hard! Saying he treats her well and all… My god!!! (/please don’t) [Anon25]: Do read and consider what we’ve said! It’s all experiences gained from blood and tears! Don’t get blinded by his good looks!!!!! Use your brain a bit! It’s only been 20 days and he already wants to eat you up— the long-term repeated-offense kind too! (/listen here)(/loudspeaker) [Anon26]: Upstairs, you don’t have to sound so polite! Just tell her directly: anyone who wants to live together after 20 days of dating is a scumbag!!! (/reverberate) |
The scumbag: …
Perhaps the words on his screen were enchanted. Even though he knew his own intentions were pure, he still felt attacked by those words.
He got so mad he laughed.
He had asked his question and gotten answers. There may be no way to prove he wasn’t a scumbag, but he had the perfect way to end it.
[OP]: Okay, thank you all so much~ I’ve been on the fence for over a week, so I shouldn’t keep my boyfriend waiting any longer. I think I’ll still agree! I can’t help it, he’s too handsome! I really love my boyfriend!!! qwq |
He could already see the raging storm that was about to come.
Gu Jue smirked and closed the webpage. That felt good.
Ruan An’an was leaning on Gu Jue’s shoulder. She never looked up from her phone as she concentrated on Candy Crush. Just as she got an “unbelievable” and was close to finishing the level, Gu Jue spoke from beside her.
“I’m about to kiss you.”
“???” Ruan An’an almost dropped her phone. She thought she heard wrong, “… What?”
“I said, I’m about to kiss you,” Gu Jue made a pensive face. “I will count down from ten, and I’ll kiss you when it reaches one.”
Ruan An’an: ???
Gu Jue had already started the countdown before she could respond, “Ten.”
With this first number, he secured her wrists, holding her tightly against the bench.
“…” Ruan An’an glared at him, “Someone might see…!”
Gu Jue was unmoved, he even smiled at her.
“—Nine.” After, he added with heavy insinuations, “Right, by ‘kiss’, I don’t mean the chaste kind. You should review in your head what happened last time, in front of your dorms.”
Ruan An’an: …
Pray tell, does this qualify as human utterance?
His smile was extra alluring. Paired with his words, the angry scowl Ruan An’an had soon turned into a blush.
Clips of that kiss flashed in her mind. Ruan An’an heart pounded. She knew she was under his control, and there was no way to escape.
She started thinking, for a kiss like that, maybe she should hold a big breath beforehand. Maybe then, she wouldn’t become that embarrassing display.
No rush, there are still six seconds left.
Ruan An’an thought, hold on, no need to start inhaling so early.
Just as that thought crossed her mind.
She felt a pull on her wrists, forcing her forward and into the enclosure that was Gu Jue. Then, she felt his cool fingertips on her face. The kiss landed on the corner of her mouth first.
His lips were still the same softness, the same coolness.
“Mm…” Ruan An’an made a short sound. She turned her head and managed to free her lips. She was crossed, “… Hey! You said ten seconds!”
Gu Jue held her, chuckling, his voice a low rasp, “Sorry, I couldn’t wait.”
Then he kissed her again. With a cool sensation on her lips, she completely lost her chance to speak.
Ruan An’an wasn’t unprepared like last time and was well aware that they were outside, where anyone could pass by the next second. Thus, she fought back hard, making Gu Jue give up the kiss after only thirty seconds.
Ruan An’an was tired out. Huffing, she heard his laughs and kicked him lightly.
When Ruan An’an finally calmed down, Gu Jue circled her in his arms. “Oh right, there’s another reason why I don’t live in the dorms.”
Ruan An’an jolted her head up, “Huh?”
“Do you remember my WeChat profile picture?”
“Yes,” Ruan An’an answered excitedly, “the one with you petting a cat, right?”
Gu Jue nodded.
“I have a cat…” He paused to look into her eyes, his own curving into a smile, “Want to come over?”
Childish Gu vs Girls’ Forum round 2 XD
I swear, “I have a cat/dog/pet, wanna come over” so cliché yet affective… if you know what I mean (wiggle brows.gif)