I Was a Small Fish When I Reincarnated, but It Seems That I Can Become a Dragon, so I Will Do My Best - Extra Chapter 261
Check my other translation works for other interesting stories
Naoya : AION Mall Otherworldly Store
Maria : Mebius World Online
9-9. Lots of Skills
Mekonie observed the danger level of each opponent one by one, her eyes shifting from red to blue — likely another skill.
Amariaz had briefly mentioned it before. Mekonie was supposed to have a huge range of skills, similar to what Ouren-san possessed. Amariaz didn’t know all of them due to the sheer volume, but it seemed like the most dangerous one was Shock Weapon for now.
“Are you both okay?”
“What about Kenra-san?”
“My hands are numb… What kind of skill is that?”
“And, Kenra-san, how did your katana survive? That skill was powerful enough to shatter my Pneumatic Barrier.”
“It’s nothing compared to the power of Oni.”
Kenra-san quickly stood in front of Amariaz and me, his katana aimed at Mekonie. Mekonie was floating several meters above the ground, probably deciding which of us to eliminate first. They seemed likely to target the weakest, but who knew?
“They seem to be targeting us.”
“Then I’ll provide cover—”
“We might not have that luxury. There were four angels, so any moment now…”
Two more angels shot out from the facility.
Both were new faces. They weren’t archangels, but that didn’t change the fact that they were skilled.
Our numbers were split… but if Tekeris-san and the others could just handle the archangel…
The newly-emerged angels immediately went after Abyss and Iubora, each wielding a large, double-edged sword and amplifying its slashing power with skills as they swung.
Their blades, glowing red from their skills, were effortlessly caught by Abyss and Iubora — with their flesh forms, naturally.
“My body isn’t so weak that you can cut it with that~.”
“Come back when you’re ready.”
Both of them grabbed and shattered the swords with a snap, but the angels dodged quickly, avoiding being captured.
Abyss and Iubora had extremely high resistance to slashing attacks, as did Tekeris. If you wanted to harm these three, it had to be with blunt force.
“Hey, you two! Take down that white one with blunt attacks!”
“Understood, sir.”
Mekonie knew Abyss’s weakness. After all, she’d already defeated Abyss once, back when they were defending the Garrot Kingdom’s barrier.
Knowing her weaknesses would be shared was expected, but losing once still grated on her. Abyss furrowed her brow, sounding a bit irritated.
“Where did you take Rize-chan…!”
The intense anger in her voice took even Iubora and Tekeris by surprise.
“Duh, how should I know!? Water Shock!”
Several water spheres formed, quickly hurtling toward us.
“What is this?”
Spikes extended from the black liquid that had spread across the ground, crushing every water sphere. However, at that moment, a dry pop echoed.
“Those bursts have a strong impact!”
“If I destroy them before they hit, that should work. Hmm, delayed activation skills are multiplying now…”
“That’s all Mekonie’s skills are!!”
“…Oh? I wonder if she’s used fewer of them or just chosen not to? Which is it?”
While he was muttering, water spheres continued to fly toward us. Tekeris shot down each one, causing them to burst away from us.
“Bolt Shock.”
“A lightning skill! Get airborne!”
These three immediately formed wings and lifted off. The lightning shot through where their feet had just been, dissipating into the ground.
“As if I’d lose to you twice, you damn angel!!”
“Shut up and stay down!!”
Iubora and Tekeris quietly distanced themselves, crushing the two pursuing angels as they went.
“Hey, Iubora. Was Abyss like that before?”
“…N-No… Sorry, Nii-chan. I’ve never seen Abyss that angry…”
“I-I see…”
“Shouldn’t we be helping out, Nii-chan?”
“I know well enough when it’s time to step back. That’s a woman’s fight.” (TLN: All this time, Abyss is woman)
A huge white mass of flesh charged at Mekonie, who wielded an iron staff and swung it with all her might.
Abyss’s white form was repelled, but Mekonie’s iron staff was bent.
(Both of us could be in real trouble with a direct hit!)
Having just reconfirmed the threat each posed, they both spread their wings, the battle spilling into the sky.
Abyss, no longer needing to protect Rize, could now fight with full force. Though without support, it was slightly more challenging than before.
Mekonie spread her hands wide, creating a fireball and taking careful aim.
“Flame Shock.”
“Perfect Single-Form Adjustment.”
Mekonie closed her eyes. Even though she activated her skill, the high-speed, maneuvering Abyss didn’t come close to getting hit.
With her eyes shut, she had no choice but to evade. Opening them was also out of the question. If she were to get caught in Abyss’s skill Perfect Single-Form Adjustment, it would be exceedingly difficult to fight.
(But I have plenty of skills to fall back on…!)
Mekonie, an archangel, had an enormous array of skills.
From combat skills to scouting skills, even seemingly useless ones — she had them all. Although her mastery wasn’t as high as other angels, her skills’ versatility allowed her to select the most effective ones for the situation. Even now, she was tracking Abyss’s location through a scouting skill.
The Flame Shock Mekonie unleashed would explode after a set time, creating an enormous blast radius that even those waiting at a distance, like Yuuzen and the others, felt the heatwave.
“Ahh! It’s hot!!”
“What should we do?! Should we just go inside the facility now?”
“I agree with Amariaz-kun’s suggestion! Let’s go!”
“Got it!”
They’d better leave this angel to them!