Third Outer World Story Series: Pumpkin Sorcerer - Chapter 115
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- Third Outer World Story Series: Pumpkin Sorcerer
- Chapter 115 - Institute City Kruika (8)
Translator: MadHatter Editor: MadHatter
“Hmm. Majik is not coming. Where did he go?”
While waiting for Izumi in the training area, Magik and Uriko had promised to practice melee combat with body enhancement magic, so she waited in the training area, but… he never showed up at any time.
Sitting on a bench, something like a noise came into her ears, causing Uriko to glance around.
But there was not a soul in sight.
Despite her doubts, she was adjusting the output of the body-enhancing magic that was constantly cast over her entire body as a form of self-discipline, but while doing so, the noise was drifting into her ears again.
“What… is this?”
Knowing that twice would not be a coincidence, Uriko opened the door little by little in a different direction from the one she usually opened… just like when she was in the village when she was smaller.
Strange voices and erratic thoughts were heard when the door was opened, but since the source of the noise was unquestionably the person who had taught her telekinesis, she decided it wouldn’t be a good idea to dismiss her voice.
That individual has helped Uriko out many times before after all.
[…Do you hear me? Your friend… Majik is in imminent danger.]
As she opened the door all the way, the sound changed from noise to a lovely voice. It was that beautiful sister after all.
But beyond that, what should be more alarming to Uriko right now was what the older lady had just conveyed to her. Majik was in danger. This was not something that could be brushed off.
“What do you mean!?”
[…Hurry… help… him…]
The voice faded into the distance and was no longer audible before she could ask specifically where Majik was and what type of peril awaited him.
Feeling the voice completely absent, Uriko slowly closed the door that had been open to hear the voice and increased the output of the body enhancement magic to the maximum.
“Uriko-chan. I came here because my lecture ended early… Is something the matter?”
And here came Izumi into the training area.
The only person who could train her to fight at this institute, much alone engage in serious melee combat with her, was Izumi.
With someone that strong, I should tell her about Majik just in case, and she might even help me if I requested her to.
With this in mind, she decided to speak up.
“Excuse me. It seems that my friend Majik=Taiga Samsara Egg has been abducted. So if possible…”
Having said up to that point, she saw Izumi’s eyes widen at the mention of Majik’s name and her face turned pale at the mention of being kidnapped.
Then Izumi gripped both her shoulders.
“Uriko-chan. Give me the details of that story right now!”
“Huh? Yes.”
At that moment, Izumi forgot to mask her true identity and unwittingly grasped Uriko by the shoulders.
Because the instant she heard that child’s name, she understood why the smell on Uriko was bothering her so much.
After that, she was told that she had received a revelation that someone had kidnapped a child from Uriko’s hometown named Majik=Taiga Samsara Egg, and that Majik was a reincarnated person whose previous life name was Taiga.
Furthermore, there was no information as to where Majik was currently located, which was a hopeless situation.
“U-Um… Izumi-senpai?”
“No problem. There is nothing to be concerned about. But please don’t tell anyone about what will happen next.”
With that said, Izumi was ready to divulge one move with her that she should have kept a secret if she was thinking about her next course of action.
“Come here. Moyasuke, and everyone else.”
Izumi removed the accessory hanging invisibly from her waist and flung it in the air, and transformed it into a wolf form that made it just the right size to operate in its original form in the… city.
“Izumi-senpai. This is…”
“Everyone, spread out. Find him quickly.”
Disregarding Uriko, who was astounded by the level of magic, which even in this world would be impossible, Izumi ordered Moyasuke and the others to search for Taiga.
“Uriko-chan. We will be going too.”
“Eh? Ahhhhhh!?”
Izumi then held Uriko in her arms and moved from the training area to the roof of the institute with teleportation magic, and rushed out into the city.
“The talk will come later, for now just focus on finding Taiga.”
Izumi was no longer willing to keep her disguise to the bare minimum.
The reason why Izumi obtained the power as a God in the form of becoming Mother’s daughter was to seek out Taiga… who had departed from the world where she lived in the first place.
It is fine for me to be regarded as an enemy by that person whom Mother is in search of, as well as by Mol nee-chan’s request. Saving Taiga is the meaning of my existence.
“Wait for me. Taiga… I will save you this time.”
With that, Izumi, carrying Uriko under her arm, sped through the city of Kruika, led by Moyasuke, who had caught a whiff of Taiga’s soul.
“Well… this is the next one.”
As usual, Pumpkin was continuing his search for the person who had suddenly appeared in Kruika, and investigating his next target by observing it from the air.
Even if it could have appeared that the Marquis Madosa was being utilized slightly in his favor, it didn’t matter because no one has suffered any loss.
“It seems like a definite miss, huh?”
So, the subject of this investigation, Pumpkin had already confirmed that several people were carrying bags containing magic power in the form of human beings into a large and luxurious mansion… which was also underground, compared to a normal building.
These guys are probably kidnappers of some kind.
Incidentally, the reason why Pumpkin was pursuing multiple criminals when all he was looking for was a single criminal was simply due to the fact that these guys were alone when they entered Kruika, but before long, they had gathered in one place.
They probably infiltrated the city by different routes and were supposed to meet inside the city before carrying out various operations.
Now, taking into account the fact that outsiders were not allowed in to the extent possible and the fact that they have set up a permanent barrier with an oddly high degree of concealment and intensity, it was a reasonably secretive organization, whose purpose was unknown, but the whiff of a perilous ideology was also present.
“Yeah, I’d better hurry.”
After coming to that realization, Pumpkin determined it was imperative to invade the organization’s complex immediately, free the hostages, and simultaneously capture everyone in the organization.
“Hmm? Hey, are you serious…”
And right as he was about to go in, he involuntarily wanted to groan at the sight of the magic power in the bag that had been carried in.
The color of the magic power that was visible from inside the bag was green… and it was also Majik’s.
It was unclear why, but nonetheless, it appeared that these individuals had taken Majik hostage.
“I am going to go all out.”
Judging that the guys were different from the previous ones since even Majik was captured, Pumpkin cast a resonance spell that had the effect of multiple physical enhancements on himself and confirmed the hostage’s location with his magical visibility ability.
He then began to swoop down from the sky towards the building vigorously.
The reason behind Izumi’s resurrection in the first series has been revealed, and it is Licorice herself who resurrected her. Not Licorice=R=Insanity by the way, it’s the same Licorice that appeared around the final chapters of the first series. And Izumi Hearts name is simply another way of saying her actual name. Kokoro Izumi, while the kanji used for Kokoro, Izumi’s last name is different, it has the same pronunciation as Heart in Japanese