There’s No Way A Side Character Like Me Could Be Popular, Right? - Volume 4 Chapter 16
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- There’s No Way A Side Character Like Me Could Be Popular, Right?
- Volume 4 Chapter 16 - Initial T
Translated: Sei, MTL-sensei-tachi
Edited: Sei, Grammarly no Danna
Source: Syosetu
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16, Initial T
I left the student council room and was heading to class,
“Ara, Tomoki-san.”
By chance, I came across Tatsumiya walking down the hallway alone.
I say a word,
I thought about reporting about Ike, but after seeing this girl’s crazy behavior, I didn’t have the courage to just stand there and talk about her, and besides, the student council room is nowhere near as affordable as it is now that Taketori-senpai is there.
With that in mind, I decided to report back to her some other time, and then I passed by next to her…
“Please wait, Tomoki-san.”
As I was about to do so, Tatsumiya grabbed me by the arm.
I turn around,
“…Is this about Ike?”
“Yes, of course. Other than that, do you think there is any other reason for me to hold Tomoki-san here?”
“Unfortunately, no.”
“That’s what I mean. So, … that. What happened to that thing I asked you to do?”
I was reminded of the fact that she is indeed a beautiful girl when I saw her eyelids drooping down in embarrassment and her finger on the corner of her mouth in a worried manner.
If only her personality wasn’t so broken, I could support her more honestly, I reply, with a sense of disappointment.
“Yeah, I just asked about it.”
“If so, please tell me right now!”
“Standing and talking here? If you’re ready for that disgraceful behavior of yours to be witnessed by a total stranger student, I don’t mind, but… No, wait. I still don’t want to be thought of as the fellow of that disgraceful Tatsumiya, so I can’t do it either way.”
“… Y-You don’t have to go so far as to call it a disgraceful.”
I look at her silently with an expressionless expression on my face.
Then, after one coughing sound, she said,
“Then let’s head to the student council office. I was going to head there now, so that’s just fine.”
Tatsumiya says.
I thought to myself, “I knew it was coming,” and responded.
“Ah~, I looked in the student council office just now. I saw Taketori-senpai was having lunch, so I don’t think we should be talking there.”
When I said that, Tatsumiya’s temples twitched.
Then she says with a smile on her face.
“Is it Taketori-senpai? Is Taketori-senpai, who usually refuses to listen when we ask her to participate in our activities, in the Student Council Office without cause?”
“… No, well, I don’t know about not participating in student council activities, but I wouldn’t go so far as to call it without cause?”
“That may be so. But in any case, there is no problem if Taketori-senpai is in the student council room. We just need to kick her out.”
Just kick her out… Taketori-senpai doesn’t seem to be adored by her juniors at all.
I was almost sad, but I soon came to realize that she deserved it.
But if that’s the case, there’s no need to hold back.
“Understood. Then let’s head to the student council room again.”
“Yes. …I’m looking forward to hearing about kaichou now”
Then to the student council office, we moved on.
Tatsumiya tried to open the door, but it did not move.
“Oh my, it’s locked. …Taketori-senpai, what are you doing in the room?”
Tatsumiya said, but I can’t sense any presence in the room.
“Isn’t she already left?”
I said to Tatsumiya, who took the key to the student council room out of her skirt pocket and opened the door safely.
When I entered the student council room with Tatsumiya, Taketori-senpai was not there.
“It seems so. It saved me the trouble of having to kick her out.”
She says with a smile on her face.
It was Taketori-senpai, who was ill-treated to no end.
“Now, Tomoki-san. Right off the bat, can you tell me about the woman kaichou likes?”
Tatsumiya asks me with a nervous look.
I prefaced by saying, “I couldn’t ask who Ike likes.”
“It seems that there is someone who Ike likes. That girl’s initials are ‘T’.”
When I said that to Tatsumiya, she repeated “‘T’…” in a low voice, and then,
“Eh…? ‘T’ means? …That’s”
After making a serious expression, Tatsumiya muttered.
Then her movements stopped unnaturally.
What happened? Thinking so, I’m watching the situation…
“M-Me, Me, Me-Me-M-M-M-M-Me!?”
Tatsumiya is broken.
This girl is always broken…
She continued to ramble on and on in confusion while I was dumbfounded.
I’m starting to get a little scared of her.
“…What’s wrong, Tatsumiya?”
When I asked her that, she looked at me and said, “Me…M, Me. Is it…me?” Tatsumiya, who appears to have come to her senses.
But this girl is more insane than sane when it comes to Ike-related matters, so I can’t let my guard down.
To me, who’s bracing myself,
“In other words, kaichou’s favorite person is me!? This me…! What a cute little guy, isn’t he, kaichou? I can’t believe that by telling Tomoki-san, he is trying to make an indirect confession in this way… Fufu, I really wanted him to whisper words of love directly to me, but what a helpless man.”
After saying that with an enchanted expression, Tatsumiya said, “Ufufu?” with an evil smile.
This girl is really happy…
That’s what I was thinking as I watched Tatsumiya’s disgraceful behavior.