When I Was Reincarnated as a Saint - Chapter 30
The Weird and Funny Duo
When they lived at Misery Castle, Mari and Sarah had separate bedrooms.
However, in their new home, Komari would not allow it.
“I’m going to sleep with Mama and my sister!”
She refused to listen, and the three of us had to sleep together.
“I don’t blame you, Komari.”
“Komari really is a spoiled child, isn’t she?”
Mari and Sarah say this, but it is they who are smiling.
When I woke up that day, I found Sarah and Komari breathing sweetly next to me.
Mari wanted to stay in that kind of happiness forever, but that wasn’t going to happen.
She had to prepare for New Year’s Eve and was quite busy.
When the sun rose, after breakfast, the three of them went shopping in town.
The market was overflowing with a tremendous amount of goods, as it was the end of the year.
Mari selects an item, Sarah negotiates with the merchant, and if a decision is made, the item is delivered to the pavilion.
“Sister. I’ve made a lot of purchases, can you pay for them?”
“Yes, it’s all right. You see, many delegations came to Misery in the fall. It was the celebration of Saint’s advent, and we received a lot of tribute. That’s why the family is wealthy.”
As the two of us were talking about this, I could feel the bustling atmosphere.
Something was yelling from the bar.
“You! You can’t just say you don’t have enough money after all this drinking and eating.”
“No, I’m really sorry. I thought I had enough, but I’m not good at calculating money.”
I saw an adventurer man apologizing to the owner in front of the bar.
He was a large man with an imposing appearance.
His face was austere, and his silver hair was tied back in a bun.
Next to him was a beautiful woman, probably his companion, also apologizing.
She had long, wavy, red hair just like Sarah’s. I had never seen anyone with red hair other than Sarah.
Mari had never seen red hair except for Sarah’s, so she was very interested in her.
Then she exclaimed, “Ah! She exclaimed, “Sandra!
Mari ran up to them and bowed deeply.
After that, she asked the owner of the bar what had happened.
He took them to an out-of-the-way place, where they celebrated their reunion.
There they celebrated their reunion.
“It’s been a while, Sandra. Thank you for your help at Cyrus.”
“It was really nice having Saint there. My husband drank and ate so lavishly that we ran out of money.”
“Your husband?”
Mari looks at her companion, a large adventurer.
“Hello, Saint.”
“Are you Gargantis, by any chance?”
They decided to stop shopping for the day and return to the pavilion.
Of course, Gargantis and Sandra were with him.
I showed them to the reception room.
“Saint, you are indeed living a life of luxury in the world of men.”
“Um, Gargantis-san…?”
“Hmm? What’s the matter, why the formalities? I don’t mind if you just call me Gargantis, you know?”
“It’s a little bit like calling out to someone in human form… I mean, you could have taken on human form.”
“I’m a god, too. I know how to do this.”
“You’re a god?”
“What, you didn’t know?”
“Yeah, I didn’t know.”
“You’re Saint and you don’t know this? You are really a funny guy.”
“Yes, my dear. the Saint is acting funny.”
They laughed at each other loudly.
“And Sandra, when we met before, you had dark hair.”
“I dyed it then because I didn’t want it to stand out. This is my real hair.”
“Oh, by the way, Sandra. Is the girl I just met your kin?”
Apparently, he was talking about Sarah.
“Yes, it seems so. We are the only other red-haired people in the world.”
Mari asked in surprise.
“Oh, um…you’re not saying you’re a god too, are you Sandra?”
“No, I am not. There aren’t that many gods roaming around, you know?”
“I see. I wondered what I would have done if Sarah was a God.”
“I am not God, but a vampire.”
That was even more shocking than God! Vampires have been enemies of Mari since the skeleton attack.
Mari clutched her head in her hands and squirmed.
“What’s wrong, Saint?”
“Oh, I see what’s bothering Saint. It’s a misunderstanding. I am not the same kind as Buel.”
“But you’re a vampire?”
“Buel is an undead man who has fallen into the darkness. An Undead. But I am not. I’m a genuine living vampire who has not fallen.”
“You didn’t know that! You’re a funny guy after all.”
“Yes, I am, sir.”
They laugh out loud again.
“He’s one of the few vampire princesses left. I’m keeping him from the previous Saint.”
Mari’s mind just can’t keep up with the sudden turn of events and she is simply confused.
“Sarah is a vampire, Komari is a dragon…”
“What, you knew about that? You are so ignorant, I thought you didn’t know she was a dragon and you were living with her.”
“I thought so too, dear.”
They laughed again, amused.
“No~, it’s fun talking to you.”
“It’s true.”
Mari had reached the limit of her thinking and passed out on the couch.
Seeing this, they were indeed flustered.
“My husband teased you so badly that Saint’s soul must have been drained from you.”
“I’m sure it was Sandra who teased him as well.”
Sandra goes to inform Mari that she has fainted.
Sarah was surprised, but had a maid help her carry Mari to the bedroom and put her to sleep.
“I don’t know the circumstances, but I understand that you two are the ones who took care of your sister. Please stay with us tonight.”
“Thank you, I will do so.”
“Oh, um…”
“What is it?”
“I’m sorry if I’m wrong.
I’m sorry if I’m wrong, but are you not my mother?
“I’m sorry, no.”
No, I am not.
I’m sorry if I’m wrong.
Sarah bowed her head deeply and apologized for her rudeness.
“Red hair is rare, so it is not surprising that you would think so.
My family has red hair, at least in my family.
Your mother must be of the same tribe.”
“You don’t know my mother, do you?”
“Well, I can’t think of her at the moment.
I am sorry.
But I’ll see what I can find out from my contacts.
“Thank you.”
Sarah thanked him and led them into the guest room.
“Master, I’m still enjoying Saint’s place.”
“Yeah, me too.
I think I’ll get a job and stay here.”
“That would be good, I’ll ask Saint for a job too.”
So they fell asleep, and Mari was in bed, dozing off.
The next day —-.
“Sister, sister…”
“It’s already noon.
Please wake up.”
“Oh, Sarah.”
“How are you feeling?”
“Fine. But I had the strangest dream. I dreamt that a couple of strange people came to my door.”
Sarah smiles, but her face tightens.
“You mean Gall-sama and Sandra-sama?”
“Gall-sama? Oh, you mean Gargantis…”
Mari finally came to herself.
“Sarah! Where are those two?”
“They finished their breakfast and are playing with Komari.”
Mari jumps up and rushes to the living room.
There she finds Komari hugging Gargantis, with a smiling Sandra beside her.
“Mr. Gargantis!”
“Hey, Saint. You’re awake now.”
“You must have been tried to sleep like that.”
I take them into the reception room again.
“I hope you didn’t say anything to Sarah.”
“Yes. I told her that Sarah’s mother is my kindred spirit, but I didn’t tell her she was a vampire.”
“That’s right. We don’t blurt out important things like that.”
Mari was relieved.
“That helps a lot. Gargantis-san, Sandra-san.”
“Call me Gall. I’m Gall Stanford.”
“I am Sandra, Alizabelle.”
“So you introduced yourself to Sarah. Fine, I will call you Gall and Sandra from now on.”
“What should I call you? I tend to call you Saint in the old-fashioned way, but it seems that calling you Saint is disrespectful here.”
“Ah, please call me Mari.”
“Well, Mari, I have a favor to ask…”
“If you are concerned about what I call you, it means that you are willing to stay with us for a while. You are welcome to stay at our home as long as you like. We have plenty of extra room, and we wanted Sarah and Komari to have an escort.”
“That kind of perceptiveness is just like the Saint before you, isn’t it?”
“She certainly is perceptive, thank you.”
They laughed happily, and this time Mari laughed with them.
TL Note: I’ll be stopping translations of this title for some time, since I can’t put the time into continuing this and lose Focus on my main works that I actually refine. I simply wished to continue this series because I had some time to spare, and I like the series. Sorry, if the quality is not up to par since this is just a personal project.
If someone else wishes to continue this series, they are free to have at it, refine to and put it out there.
I will instead focus on titles that I really work hard to refine and titles that I am getting support with.
Thank you for reading my translations for this series so far.
Till next time.