Will I End Up As a Hero or a Demon King - Chapter 13
I became curious and asked him about it, and he said that he was luring out a Monster named Mole by making a sound.
“Could it be a mole that sends stones flying?” I asked him if it was a mole that sends rocks flying, and he said that it was. Mole seems to be sensitive to sound, and if you hit it while making a sound like this, it will come out of its hiding place first, so you hit it there before it activates its magic.
The countermeasures I was taking seemed to be correct, but… the professional countermeasures seemed to fit better, and I learned a lot from them.
Needless to say, I quickly threw away the pebble that was still in my pocket.
But if you are going straight ahead like now, it is fine, but if you are wandering around without a clear direction for gathering, it seems to be dangerous, and this “Palmera Great Forest” with its troublesome Mole is not very popular.
He would like to go to “Rocker Plain” northeast of the town, where there are stronger Monsters… I wonder what Potta-kun and Mei-chan will do then… I wonder what Potta-kun and Mei-chan will do then.
Since they are seemingly somewhat caring, they may have no choice but to stay in this forest.
By the way, [Language Understanding] is something that both Zink-kun and Mei-chan learned before they knew it when they were being taught the language by their parents.
It seems to be common knowledge in this world that if one lives a normal life, the level of [Language Understanding] will increase according to one’s age, and after about level 3 to 5, it will increase only for those who are related to work, except for those who are very talented, such as merchants who travel to other countries and dignitaries in the country. It seems to be the common sense in this world.
In Potta-kun’s case, I feel that it is a matter of parental education…but I guess everyone has his or her own living environment, so I guess it is no use for others to complain about it.
While making small talk, the group continued toward the exit of the forest without stopping.
A Horned Rabbit appeared along the way, but Zink-kun turned his body to the side just in time for a rush and easily slashed it with his knife.
The Horned Rabbit is then hung from the basket on Potta-kun’s back, and Potta-kun’s face shows his anguish at the increased weight of the Horned Rabbit.
He seems to be hooking it to drain its blood, but… it makes me, who walks behind him, feel the weight of it.
(Hang in there, hang in there, Potta-kun… I’d carry it on my back, but then it would hinder me in battle in case of emergency, Sorry.)
As I look at the blood dripping on the ground, I was thinking that maybe, Zink-kun is trying to be lenient on me.
The small talk was casual as we moved along smoothly.
Even so, there was a lot of information to be gained.
Especially for me, who knows nothing about this world, there is so much information that I can’t even begin to sort it all out just from this conversation.
And I hate myself for having to ask so many questions from them, but when it comes to information, I just can’t avoid it.
Zink and the others don’t seem to mind at all, but my past life experiences have made me almost unconsciously wary of the risk of giving out our real…information.
Whether to publicly disclose that I am from another world.
If I make a mistake, I may end up in a very troublesome situation.
If I make a slip up or do something that is alien to this world, there is a possibility that rumors will spread from that.
When I had just acquired [Language Understanding] in front of the three of them, I was unable to say, “Wait for me while I look at the status screen”.
Acorn Head said, “It’s great because I made it.”
Is it really that great that I can see the status screen anytime I want to?
Is it great because it’s a different status screen than the others?
Or is it great because it’s the only status screen I can easily understand?
This is what I don’t understand.
I don’t want to hide the fact that I am from another world.
If there are many disadvantages, I have no choice but to hide it for now.
At this point, however, there is too little information to even make that decision.
I haven’t even been told why Acorn Head brought me into this world…
Whether there are probably otherworldly people other than me in this world. If there are, what are their positions, and how do they live in this world? What are their goals?
Until I find out these things, it would be better for my own safety to hide them, at least if I can hide it from others.
When the existence that harms me appears when they find out that I am from another world…I can do nothing against it with the weak me right now.
For now, I will organize the information one by one and store it as knowledge of this world.
As I walk, I open the status screen and check three values, thinking that a few seconds is no problem.
Level experience 8%.
[Rush] 81%.
[Sign Detection] 87%.
I can remember these numbers without taking notes, so as soon as I confirm them, I turn off the system screen and focus my attention on my surroundings.
What is a party in this world?
If it is a game, you can immediately see who you have partnered with, and the experience value distribution and loot drop distribution are also defined, although they differ from game to game.
Am I in a party with Zink and the other people I’m working with right now?
Or do I need something else to register or prove it, like a hunter guild or church or something, not just the awareness that I’m in a party with these people…
If you don’t know, let’s try what we can try now.
Zink, based on the experience of the enemies you have killed, it may be possible to predict if you are already in a party or not, and how much you will be allocated when you are in a party.
If possible, we should have checked before we started moving, but it couldn’t be helped since it was a sudden and unexpected turn of events.
It would have been best if we had been able to verify this with the Horn Rabbit that Mr. Zink had just defeated…
While I was thinking about that, Mei-chan turns around and asks me.
“By the way, what’s your name? I didn’t hear it!”
Oh, come to think of it… from the conversation between the three of us, we understood each other’s names and called them as a matter of course, but I didn’t even say my name at all.
This is indeed rude.
But what to do?
I think it would not be out of place in this world if I called myself “Yuto” instead of “Yuto,” given the names of the three of us, but…
After a short pause, I responded.
“I apologize for the delay in introducing myself. My name is Loki.”
I dared to tell them a different name.
It was the name I used in a game I used to be addicted to.
I was still suffering from severe chuunibyou sickness at the time, so I frantically searched the Internet to find out what the cool and strong character’s name was.
There must have been quite a few people doing the same thing.
I spent a whole day just choosing a name.
While I was struggling with a huge number of names of gods and mythology, I chose this one because I knew it without looking it up, and it was an easy-to-understand name with two letters, which was unusual for a god-type name.
I won the battle for the name right after the open beta, and at the time, that alone was enough to make me say, “Shiaaaaah!” in those days.
Frankly, I thought, this is a different world, so it wouldn’t be a problem.
With this name, I can remember more of the good times we had back then.
The insatiable quest for strength. I thought I could live in this world with the best motivation.
“”Eh? …Demon lord?””
Zink-kun and Mei-chan muttered together, and I never thought I’d get such a response.
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